Somatic Alchemy Ceremony

A 2-hour ceremony of Somatic education & energy work, a vibrational re-tuning, and complete Nervous System reset. Optional Plant medicine support included: Cacao, Hapé, Sananga, Mushroom Microdoses.

I invite you to envision yourself
Regulated ∙ Cleansed ∙ Spiritually Grounded

Tantric Touch Ceremony

A 4-hour journey of soulful touch and full body unwinding, allowing you to meet the unseen layers of your spirit. Drop into your heart, tune into the rhythms of your body, and simply receive in this uniquely feminine space.

I invite you to envision yourself
Connected ∙ Sensually Embodied ∙ Free

Somatic Alchemy 1:1 Mentorships

A 3-month transformational chrysalis for your heart, psyche, and spirit. Dive into the depths of your soul, harness the wisdom of your body, and emerge, carrying the keys of mastery embedded within your divine blueprint.

I invite you to envision yourself
Crystallized ∙ Activated ∙ Heart-fully Anchored

With so many pathways and teachings available to us, it’s not until we tap into the wisdom within our own bodies that we truly align with our heart’s unique path and experience sincere, integrated mastery between our human selves and our expansive spirits.

Prior to meeting ourselves in this way, we tend to feel stuck, confused, and disconnected, hitting walls of despair and exhaustion. We may not know exactly what we need but we sense there’s a missing piece to the puzzle that would realign and harmonize us.

Often times, that missing piece is a Somatic and Soulful reconnection to yourself. I have found that this work curiously makes its way into one’s life at the perfect moment — a time of openness and readiness.

We’ve done what we can with what we know. Now, life is inviting us into a deeper relationship with our body, our subconscious caverns, and our feminine nature, so we can close the loops of trauma and walk with life in a new way.

Many of us come to somatic therapy because no matter the angle we’ve taken, we still can’t seem to decode or dislodge particularly deep-seated roots. These “stubborn” pieces are not here to haunt us; rather, they require that we have a relationship with our body and its wisdom in order to be received and assimilated.

And these pieces… they prove to hold the beautiful, untapped magic of your soul.

Hi! I’m Nala
A little about me & my approach

With countless life-death-rebirth cycles in this lifetime, my path has been painstaking and true to the Scorpionic archetype. The trauma and trials of my life have been raw and real, so I could learn to dance with both darkness and light while embodying grace, strength, courage, playfulness, and love.

This ability is now my super-power, and the catalyst for my work.

Naturally devoted to traversing deep spiritual initiations with wisdom and grace, life has trained me to hold the container for you to do the same. Holding a masculine-feminine balance of stability and flexibility, I invite you to explore and discover the fullness of your true self. We will move towards your evolutionary goals with kindness, reverence, and dedication to the clarifying light of truth.

I approach this work the same way that I approach life — by welcoming and surrendering to all that arises, denying nothing, feeling it all, and responding with open curiosity. My approach is deeply intuitive and energetically sensitive, supported by a balance of soft, nurturing qualities and calm, stabilizing strength.

Uninspired by religious or spiritual dogmatism, I have found that my heart is the ultimate guide in life. Likewise, my works aims to help you establish a heart-centered stability so you can navigate life with resilience, vitality, and compassion.

Though I naturally love to go deep, I’m also a very ordinary human! Down-to-earth, I’m a lover of nature, laughter, delicious food, and exploring this beautiful world with my husband.

What is Somatic Alchemy?

Somatic Alchemy is my therapeutic practice that holds a foundational framework in Somatic Experiencing®, a well-known body-based psychotherapy and system for trauma resolution, infused with spiritual inquiry to facilitate transformation of not only emotions, mind, and body, but also of the soul.

Each session is an alchemical portal, rich with guided journeys and somatic explorations, following the intuitive wisdom of the field we form. A ‘psycho-spiritual midwife’ of sorts, I encourage you to dream big! We can cover quantum ground, starting with a consultation where I receive an intuitive picture of where you are and where you’re heading; the beauty, the obstructions, the truth.

We’ll clear out stagnation, retrieving jewels of untapped goodness lost along the way. We’ll slow down, feel, and integrate, organically creating a new vibrational reality as we witness old stories fall away. Through this work, you’ll experience a revamp of your inner world, mirrored by a natural restructuring of the outer.

Somatic Alchemy is a synthesis of all the work, initiations, and training I’ve undergone, including Trauma Resolution & Nervous System Resilience, Developmental & Relational Psychology, Feminine Embodiment & Empowerment, Esoteric Yoga, Tantric Arts & Healing Touch, Ecstatic Dance Dj’ing & Intuitive Movement, Soul Retrieval, Vocal & Sexual Reclamation, and Radical Spiritual Transformation.

I offer this work from the home I have cultivated within myself; rooted in Somatic healing, skilled in the art of resolving trauma, deeply initiated on the spiritual path, attuned to authentic feminine embodiment, and holding a synergy of soft and strong support.

This is for you

if you’re ready to be initiated into your own power, clarity, and connection to the heart of life. To claim your mastery. To walk your path, beautifully integrated in all your authentic glory.

To be clear, clear, clear
Free and rich with flowing life
Like crystalline water

The Feminine

For many on this journey, your deep feminine nature is calling for space and attention. The feminine is the body. She is the intuitive heart. She is the felt sense.

With a deepening into the body comes a softening, an opening, and a flowering into your authentic expression. This isn’t the exaggerated “juicy, rich, and sexed up” depiction of female empowerment so rampant today.

This type of awakening requires raw honesty, dropping all masks, and true vulnerability with yourself. It requires a genuine, heartfelt devotion to the truth.

The result: sweetness, stability, safety, and sensation within our bodies and our lives.

It is possible, and it is so so worth it.

What SA has done for me

Somatic Alchemy has revolutionized my life and liberated me from long-standing blockages I couldn’t seem to find my way out of, no matter the effort I put in. In my experience, SA goes straight to the root, produces sustainable change, and empowers one along the way by connecting them with the deep well of wisdom and self-healing within.

Through my SA work I’ve been able to:
∙ Resolve sexual trauma and inhabit my body with more access to safety, presence, pleasure, and care
∙ Deepen into my power, strength, and voice
∙ Renegotiate developmental and generational trauma
∙ Strengthen my spiritual path and grow my capacity for still meditation
∙ Unlatch from beliefs that held me back from stepping into my soul purpose
∙ Expand my ability to self-regulate during times of stress, uncertainty, & overwhelm

This journey is for women looking to deepen in their purpose, their spirit, and their embodied sense of self. Wherever you stand, I trust that you already have within you what you need to blossom. I am here to be a light and a guardian as you navigate the waters of self-liberation.

I invite you to enter the realm of possibility, the wisdom of your body, and the birthright of your soul.

Getting Started


Resonance Consultation

This is our time to connect hearts, clarify your vision, and feel into our potential work together.


If it’s a full-body-yes for both of us, we’ll solidify it by mapping out our work together.

The Journey

Our journey of resolution, soul reclamation, and expansion begins.

Let’s Connect

Somatic Alchemy Mentorships are a sacred container for your rebirth. They give us the space to drop in deeply together and be closely connected each step of the way. I love this 1-on-1 work because I get to fully devote myself to your unique path, which is why I always keep my private practice small.

Mentorship with me is naturally revolutionary, personal, and intimate. At the core of our exchange is a mutual investment into your authentic awakening — the most valuable journey we’ll ever undertake.

This is the Sacred Ground upon which you redefine yourself and align with your soul’s greatest potential.


“Nala is that soothing hand, holding the magic sword of fire, that will help you open your heart and eyes to what you need to cut and change in your life. She didn’t come here to make small impacts. Her grace, honesty, and fierceness can move mountains. You will feel light, enriched and stronger after working with her.”


“My body did not know a state of rest before working with Nala. Hand in hand we walked together as she helped me listen to the way my cells wanted to dance, to take their lead and give them what they need. My body learned that fast is slow, and that’s where flow is found. My life has radically shifted through my relationship with Nala, and our work together.”


“It is only with great courage, compassion, and focus that one can travel to the depths of life Nala has, and I am in awe of the grace with which she has done it. With Love, she plants seeds of pure light into the darkest caverns within all whom she encounters, mirroring and amplifying the joy and beauty of life effortlessly along the way. I feel blessed to know a being of such integrity and depth, of such intention and humility. To come into Presence with Nala, is to come into Presence with the healing force of life itself.”



Will I be able to work with you for longer than 3 months if I want to?

Yes, you will have an opportunity to renew your mentorship at the end of each series. The majority of women that work with me end up staying on for an average of one year. This is totally individual, dependent upon your needs, and we will have time to tune in and assess as we go. I set the container at 3 months because with each “season” we can see clearly what’s needed.

What if I’m nervous about trauma work? I don’t want to re-live the messy and painful stuff.

Trauma work can sound serious, but the whole purpose of this approach is to touch in and retrieve the jewels that were lost, so we can move into the next phase of our lives with more energy. What you went through was already enough – we don’t need to experience that again. Somatic Alchemy is very gradual and guided by the pace of your Nervous System. It’s designed to be gentle, deeply satisfying, and attuned to you. Above all, you will know when you’re ready.

Are there other ways to work with you if 1x1 doesn’t feel like the best place to meet?

Yes! If you tune into the Somatic Alchemy Newsletter, you”ll see workshops, mini-courses, and full programs as they’re announced.

I’m so excited for you to master the language of your nervous system, to alchemize your emotional and psychological patterns, and to watch your transformation ripple out and realign your life with resonance.

Contact Me

Ask a question or request a consultation below.


Location: Virtually & in North Miami Beach, Florida