Somatic Alchemy Ceremonies

These ceremonies are designed to give you a full nervous system reset. This is a special offering where you get to receive a blend of all the modalities I work with — psycho-somatic, spiritual, energetic, and earth medicine support. Think of these sessions as a vacation for the nervous system, deep replenishment for the spirit, and a much-needed exhale for the busy mind.

See you soon!

Flow of a Session

Pranic Calibration: We’ll start with a series of guided grounding practices for the body and breath, giving our nervous systems space to meet and synchronize. The fragrance of incense, essential oils, and sweet palm will soothe your senses as you drop into the space. You’ll choose an intentional crystal to support your journey, and an oracle card to give guidance and clarity.

Optional Plant Medicine: Please see the section below for more information on specific plant medicines available and their intentions.

Somatic Support: We’ll discuss what’s been present for your nervous system and you’ll receive a mini-mentorship session. I’ll offer somatic education and personalized practices so you gain a deeper understanding of your inner landscape and are better equipped to recognize and shift out of habitual trauma responses.

Somatic Realignment: We’ll move to the mat where you’ll lay back and relax as I work directly on the body. I’ll apply hands-on touch to facilitate energetic movement, micro-tension and fascia release, and a complete vibrational retuning. This portion of the session gives the body space to organically move, to dislodge stuck energy and to return to a state of equilibrium. Along with spontaneous physical movements, emotional releases are common. I often feel called to sing or chant during this portion.

Grounding and Integration. Integration after an energetic process is essential to its sustainability. We know that the nervous system needs time and space to catch up to the changes I ensure that you leave the session having landed back in your body with

Plant Medicine Support

Earth medicine is here to help us recalibrate to her frequency of ease, safety, abundance, and joy. These medicines are especially supportive to open us up to the healing vibrations of these Somatic Ceremonies, to ground us into our bodies, and to increase connection and sensitivity to our higher selves.

Cacao: Opens the heart, deepens us into the body, activates our breath and energy flow. Form: Warm drink

Hapé: Grounding and calming, gives clarity and delivers messages, clears energetic field, opens third eye. Multiple blends with specific intentions to choose from. Form: Blown up the nostrils

Sananga: Opens the third eye, helps to release energetic imprints of impactful experiences – especially visual memories, resets our energetic field, detoxifies the body and spiritual state. Form: Eyedrop

Mushroom Microdoses: Increases emotional sensitivity, tunes us to a deeper state of harmony with the flow of life. We offer three herbal blends designed to either clarify the mind, open the heart, or ground into the body. Form: Capsule

How often to receive sessions?

This will depend upon the state of your nervous system. Some will feel set after one session, while others will want to come back for tune-up sessions monthly or seasonally. For those needing a more comprehensive nervous system reset, we recommend coming in weekly for one month and then reassessing. We offer packages for those looking to establish regular care for their nervous systems.

Booking a Session


Fill Out the Intake Form

You’ll share some background information as you sign up for the session

Book a Day & Time

Choose a day where you’ll have several hours of meditative space around the session

The Session

You’ll be emailed everything you need to know. All you do is show up and receive!


How do I prepare for the session?

We recommend coming in hydrated, on a light stomach, and taking care to cultivate a calm atmosphere surrounding the session. Specific instructions will be sent to you ahead of time if you choose to commune with any of the plant medicines provided.

How often would be appropriate to receive these sessions?

This will depend upon the state of your nervous system. Some will feel set after one session, while others will want to come back for tune-up sessions monthly or seasonally. For those needing a more comprehensive nervous system reset, we recommend coming in weekly for one month and then reassessing. We offer packages for those looking to establish regular care for their nervous systems.

What are the range of experiences I can expect?

Most people leave these sessions feeling rejuvenated, nourished, and reset. There is often an emotional shift during or following the session, and we recommend setting aside intentional time to let your nervous system catch up to the changes that took place.

Where does the ceremony take place?

North Miami Beach. Exact location will be sent to you upon confirmation.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message below. I look forward to connecting with you!


Location: Virtually & in North Miami Beach, Florida