Tantric Touch Ceremony

Dear Woman,
I invite you to enter this beautifully feminine portal — a deeply restorative space to completely unwind and let go, to be touched by life, and to nourish the divinity within your very own heart.

Tantric Touch is an initiation into our feminine nature, an opportunity to meet the unseen layers, to liberate stuck energy and welcome our full potential. It is a remembrance that life wants us to be more open, relaxed, and connected.

I consider each of you as an incarnation of the Goddess, your body as a temple, your senses as a portal to the infinite, and I hold deep reverence for your soulful unraveling. Come — relax, receive, and experience the beauty and wisdom that lives within.

xx Nala

Touch, beyond an essential ingredient for our health and wellbeing, is a direct extension of the heart that holds limitless potential to awaken the spirit. It is a language of love that communicates beyond the capacity of words, and is one of my favorite ways to facilitate healing & expansion.

Whether healing, transformative, explorative, or activating, everything is welcome to be expressed in these sessions, which can range from deep, potent, profound, and life-altering, to fun, light-hearted, and playful. I see Tantric Touch as a meditative and spiritual experience, one that invites you to slow down, surrender, and tend to anything underneath the surface that longs to be expressed.

My Approach

The way I approach Tantric Touch is through a deep listening to the guidance of the heart and rhythms of the subtle body. With a sensitive spiritual tuning, along with a background in body-based Somatic healing and training in Tantric Massage, I understand the full potential of Tantric Touch on a spiritual and physical level, and what’s truly needed to hold such a tender and profound space.

How I Found Myself Here

My personal relationship with my yoni for the majority of my life was non-existent, contracted, and cut off by sexual shame. Like many women, I was experiencing a deep fragmentation due to personal and cultural trauma; I felt like my yoni was a mysterious and separate entity outside of myself, rather than an integrated source of connection and wisdom. I never thought this was a realm I’d be open to explore, but to my surprise, life began directing me towards trauma healing, authentic tantra, and women’s sensual work.

Despite internal resistance to enter the world of tantric arts, I was synchronistically called to a Tantric Massage training in the countryside of Germany 5 years ago that proved to be truly life-changing. The femininity, safety, and naked openheartedness all felt so ancient and natural to me; women in the comfort of their own skin, holding space for one another with care and presence, without agenda, devoted to touch itself.

My body started to recognize tantric massage as a means of touching the soul through the body, rather than being a pressurized or performance-based practice. Pleasure was welcome, but nothing was demanded of me. Simply, it was a space to experience myself.

Since then, my practice has found new depths through a Somatic Experiencing training, years of personal trauma healing, spiritual and meditative expansion, and dedicated connection to my heart and yoni. It is my sincere honor to offer an inviting space for you to meet the depths of your soul through your body.

Format of a Session

Phase One: Intro. We’ll settle in together with some tea and conversation, discuss anything that’s on your heart coming into this experience, share exactly what will happen during the session, and answer any questions you may have. This is a time for us to connect hearts before the session begins.

Phase Two: Tuning in. We’ll open the portal with Essential Oil Anointing, light guided breathwork and meditation designed to bring you into a state of relaxed presence. This allows you to build energetic sensitivity, prepares you to receive a vibrational tuning, and helps you to become more deeply aware of the feedback loop between your body, mind, emotions, senses, and spirit.

Phase Three: Full Body Touch. My orientation towards touch is more energetic than physical in nature, and works to influence the movement of subtle energies. The full-body massage invites you to relax, unwind, and fully arrive. There will be a special focus on releasing energy from the hips and sacrum, clearing tension with abdominal massage, and opening the heart with a delightful breast massage.

Phase Four: Yoni Massage. With your full-bodied consent, we’ll start with soft touch and pressure-point de-armouring massage to release pelvic floor tension. Then we’ll move gently from external to internal massage, following the flow of energy and bridging the gap between pleasure & tension through breath and awareness of sensation.

Throughout the session I like to keep an open line of communication. This is truly a no-pressure container, guided by your body’s cues, and attentively attuned to you.

Phase Five: Grounding and Integration. After the massage, we’ll close the portal with time for grounding and reflection on your experience. Following the session, I support you in creating space for your personal integration.

Yoni Massage:
Honoring the Source of Life

Yoni, in Sanskrit, refers to the source of life, as well as the entire female reproductive area. Tantric Touch includes external and internal yoni massage, but is always optional depending on how you feel in the moment.

The Yoni is a gateway to the Divine and a powerful link to spiritual awakening. Tending to this sacred space connects each woman with her body and internal guidance system. 

The Yoni is a key to our collective healing — Yoni massage represents reclamation of one’s sovereignty and power.

The yoni is a microcosmic representation of the way we live our lives. She is deeply connected to the entire subtle body and can help us to access & heal deep and often unconscious emotional imprints. By clearing the field of past energies, partners, and psychic patterning, yoni massage sets a new vibrational standard in our relationships.

It is also deeply healing on a physical level, bringing more life and blood-flow to the entire pelvic region, and giving one space to explore their own body with no pressure to perform.

This journey is for women looking to become more in touch with their bodies and intuition, to release shame and pain, and to experience more pleasure and possibility.

I invite you to relax into your feminine nature, to open to the wisdom of your body, and to discover the jewels of your soul.

Booking a Session


Fill Out an Intake Form

This is an opportunity for you to share what brings you to Tantric Touch, and gives me a bit of your history and background so I can best serve you

Quick Connection Call

We’ll ‘meet’ on a short call before the session to establish connection and energetically set the space together

The Session

You’ll be given everything you need to know beforehand. All you do is show up and receive!


How do I prepare?

Please bring a sarong to wear before the massage. Prepare with meditation, self-care, and a shower beforehand. All the details will be sent to you upon confirmation, including an intake form.

What is the range of experiences I can expect?

We never know what will arise during a session, and that’s the magic of Tantric Touch. On the way to reclaiming your innate bliss, there’s a variety of energies that women may experience, sometimes all in one session. Some women have a deeply relaxing meditative journey of tranquil insight and reflection. Some women experience pleasure, ecstasy, pain, grief, numbness, energy release, tears, orgasm, and everything in between. It’s all welcome and we’re here to embrace all parts of you as you come into wholeness.

What if I'm super nervous?

This is a totally normal feeling when going into a transformational experience. Most women are surprised at how completely natural the massage feels — our yonis are typically labeled as ‘separate’ from the rest of our bodies, so this is an opportunity to honor our whole selves. Remember: we will connect before the massage begins, everything will be communicated beforehand, and above all we are here for your comfort, healing, and expansion.

How long is the session?

We have about 45 minutes to talk and ground into the space together. The massage experience is generally around 2 hours, with time for integration afterwards. The total time is typically 3-4 hours, and I recommend choosing a day where you have spaciousness to cultivate a meditative atmosphere within yourself before and after the experience.

Do I need to do internal yoni massage?

This portion of the massage is always optional and based on your feeling in the moment. There are so many benefits to internal massage and women tend to feel deeply touched by the experience. Whether it be a new awareness of your body, connecting with a deeper part of yourself that is rarely experienced with such presence, or releasing what is so often held in the womb, yoni massage offers you an opportunity to really get in tune with yourself.

That being said, the most imporant element of the massage is feeling complete relaxation in the nervous system and truly listening to your body, which will look different for every single person. There’s always a possibility that you’ll have a trajectory in mind but feel a different need arise in the moment, so I encourage you to stay open. I’m here to ensure that you feel comfortable and that we stay within a healthy window of tolerance.

What if I get my period?

It’s best to wait a few days after your active cycle to receive a session. Do your best to book around it, but if it coincides, contact me asap to reschedule.

What do women typically get out of this experience?

Some women come away rejuvenated and realigned with their life & purpose. Others have revelations around the standard of their relationship to friends, family, and lovers in their lives. Women can restore their power, release old stories, and allow new energy and possibility to flow. For some it’s about exploring sexuality and getting to know a totally unfamiliar part of themselves, for others it’s about receiving without the pressure to do anything other than simply feel. Ultimately Tantric Massage is about realigning yourself and becoming fully present with the pleasure of life.

Where does the ceremony take place?

North Miami Beach. Exact location will be sent to you upon confirmation.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message below. I look forward to connecting with you!



Location: Virtually & in North Miami Beach, Florida